Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Orange Bayou Tuna


Preparation time: 10 min Servings: 10
Cooking time: 10 min


1 orange, sliced
10 tuna steaks, or swordfish steaks, about 6 oz each, .75 in. thick
3/4 tsp hot pepper sauce
1 tbsp Creole seasoning
1 tbsp steak sauce
3 tbsp orange juice
1-1/2 cups unsalted butter
3 tbsp orange peel, grated
5 cloves garlic, pressed

Cooking Directions:

Place first 8 ingredients in a heavy nonreactive saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until butter melts, mixture boils and ingredients are mixed thoroughly. Remove from heat. Prepare grill or turn on broiler. Brush both sides of fish with sauce. Place on grill or broiler pan and cook about 4 minutes per side, basting frequently with sauce, until fish is almost cooked through. Do not over cook. Serve remaining sauce over fish. Garnish with orange slices.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 670
% Calories From Fat 43%
Total Fat 32g
Saturated Fats 19g
Mono-unsaturated Fats 7.9g
Poly-unsaturated Fats 2.3g
Cholesterol 260mg
Sodium 160mg
Total Carbohydrates 3.5g
Dietary Fiber 0.6g
Sugar 1.7g
Protein 87g

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